Yup, Bingo, We're Talking about Love!
When people think of February and the celebration of Valentine's Day, many thoughts used to turn to red construction paper, Elmer's glue, and children's scissors. Lucky was the child who also had a package of paper doilies to adorn those love-made greetings. As people begin to advance in age, some think of chocolates, roses and champagne with an occasional diamond or two, and possibly a proposal. Each type of celebration has its place in time. All warm my heart.
My dear friend (and my mother's lifelong friend), Connie Corroon, used to proclaim that dinner out on Valentine's Day was for amateurs. It was her way to bowing to young love and also avoiding long lines and crowded restaurants.
As we age we become more aware of the many appearances of love.
(OOPS. Not finished this part, yet.)
Still keeping this post publicly viewable so that I can send this to a friend or two as is.
I love my friends. 🧡
Will complete this in the afternoon on Monday, 2023 Feb 06.