We gather tonight in moderate quiet.
For the next 15 minutes we will sit with some meditative music – quiet but together in this community of love, growth and respect.
Spend this time as you'd like.
Two suggestions are to either:
• Use this as an opportunity to journal, write, scribe...
Sunday night is a great time to reflect on the past week,
the upcoming seek, and, most importantly, this very moment.
Life - right now!
As a companion to tonight's meditation, you might want to reflect on any of these questions:
1) What is one of this week's events, things, people, animals, relationships, associations, or experiences for which you are grateful?
2) Where did you see goodness this week? Where, also, were you goodness?
3) What is one intention you are setting for this coming week?
4) Where will you be goodness this week? How will you honor the goodness, kindness or love within yourself?
5) Another choice is to brush aside last week, brush aside next week, appreciate this gift of life, breath and heartbeat right now. What do you love about being alive?
~ or ~
• Spend your precious time in quiet meditation,
paying attention to your body and breath.
Thoughts and emotions will pay you a visit.
As they do, acknowledge them briefly, then turn your attention back to your breath or anchor point.
I love longer meditations. There's much to be gained by spending time
with just ourselves and what's in our deepest core.
It's often pleasant; not always.
Take it for what it is and honor yourself for continuing your practice.
At some time after 9:30 will we reconvene for a meditation of gratitude before saying goodbye to this week as a community.
Thank you so much for attending and sharing your presence with all of us. I am grateful!
Kimberly plans to offer her beautiful Yoga Nidra with Pause Breathe Reflect on Wednesday evening.
Michael will start our week off on a beautiful note in tomorrow's Pause Breathe Reflect Club at 7:35 am EDT (unless noted otherwise).
Rest up for a wonderful week!
Seeing Goodness will meet again here on Clubhouse on Tuesday evening, 8:00 PM EDT. Hope to see you then.
22 May 2022
Jun 17, 2022, 3:56:12 PM
Connie Drapeau Kennedy - Thank you so much, Munirah!
You are so supportive!
Love you!
May 22, 2022, 8:39:33 PM
Munirah - Amazing ending to an amazing day!🙏🏽 Thank you, Connie! Hugsies