There are moments of goodness and beauty that are better celebrated without cameras. Even as a photographer I realize that, at times, the camera is best left untouched. Saturday I witnessed one of those times.
I looked out the kitchen window to the back yard. The early spring grass was yet unmowed. My husband stood in the middle of the yard looking straight down, his back 90 degrees from his legs like an upside down "L." I stepped outside to discover what had caught his intense attention. His hand waved a gentle quieting motion. I didn't speak but did inch forward to watch him watch a bee.
Yup, a bee. One of plenty nearby. It wasn't just any bee. At that moment it was a pollinating bee. Everything was right about this scene. My husband was caught up in the awe of the moment. The bee was contributing its efforts to nature's miracles, and I was enamored of my husband who still finds wonder in the flight of a bee from one dandelion to another.
Perhaps that same bee will return to pollinate our veggie garden in a few months. Or it might fly to a nearby farm that grows produce for a public market.
Either way, it already contributed beauty and magic to our world, along with my husband. There is goodness in the work of bees. There is beauty in stopping to appreciate their contributions.
Thank you, Alan.
Thank you, bee.